We are still looking for help!
If you are looking to find a way to get involved in the church we are looking for "teachers" (no credentials needed, just your love for Christ and the kids) in our Sunday School program called KidsQuest.
It is an every other week commitment as you will share with another teacher. Curriculum is provided, all you need to do is show up to teach every other Sunday. We are in need of help in K-5th grade.
You will get great support from our KidsQuest Directors Sarah Faulkner and Brett Minne.
There is a signup sheet in the lobby or you can reach out to Sarah at jensarinc86@gmail.com or info@harvestbrighton.org
Ministry Opportunities
Feb232025Kids Quest Help
Feb202025Rides to Church
We are finding a need for rides for those who cannot make it to church, on their own, for whatever reason. If you are in need of a ride or can offer a ride for someone, please contact Linda Smith at 303-910-4221 or email her at smith854LL@gmail.com
Harvest Happenings
Feb202025King Soopers Fundraising
Here is a great way to support Harvest's Ministries, at no cost to you! We now have 45 families and made $442.20 from Oct- Dec of last year!
Just link your King Soopers card to our organization, Harvest Fellowship with our NPO # AK164.
More information is on a flyer in the church lobby.
Thank you for supporting our Ministries! -
Feb202025Women in the Sandwich Generation
A women's ministry, Women in the Sandwich Generation, is led by Lori Crosby & Tina Hale.
If you are around the age of having young adult children and would like to share time together with other women at the same place in life, come and sign up for fun and fellowship. A sign up sheet is located at the information table to receive information regarding upcoming events or if you would like to be added to the Facebook page.
If you are not on our Facebook page to RSVP for events and are interested or would like to be included on the page be sure to contact Lori Crosby at lbcrosby@icloud.com. Be sure to let us know you are coming to an event just in case something changes.
We are looking to meet at least once a month, maybe more.
***To find out when the next activity will be, ask any questions, or to make sure your on the mailing list, you can email Lori Crosby at LBCROSBY@ICLOUD.com or Tina Hale at tinayh@msn.com
Harvest's Week at-a-glance
Feb262025Coffee Moms (Wed)
Coffee Moms is for any mom with kids.
Coffee Moms is every Wednesday at 9:00 in the coffee bar area. Fun and Fellowship with God centered discussions are led by Debbie Blackwell. All are welcome. Complimentary childcare and coffee are provided.
Coffee Moms runs through May. Join in anytime! Please bring a friend.