Harvest's Week at-a-glance

  • Feb
    "Jesus Freaks" Middle School Group (THUR)

    Jesus Freaks middle school girls and boys group, will be meeting Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 8pm in the church lobby for dinner, games and fellowship. Join in anytime.
    The middle schoolers will play games together then break off into their separate girls and boys groups for fellowship.
    You can contact Dani Duran at danirae25@aol.com for more information or questions.

  • Feb
    Beginning New Testament Greek (SAT) (Closed)

    Starting again next fall

    *** You can earn Grace School of Ministry Credit.
    The class runs from September through May. The class meets from 10-1130am on Saturday mornings, at Harvest, in Classroom 2.
    Several hours of personal study and homework during the week are necessary if you want to succeed in the course. There is no cost for the class itself, but the required textbook and workbook cost around $50 total. They can be found at https://www.christianbook.com or Amazon.

    ***If you are interested or if you plan on taking the class, please contact Bob Wilkins at bwilkins80@hotmail.com or 720-985-7823.
    The textbook is The Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar, written by Dr. William D. Mounce, 4th edition, ISBN: 9780310537434.
    The associated workbook is The Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook, written by Dr. William D. Mounce, 4th edition, ISBN: 9780310537472.

  • Sep
    Theology 101 ( Wed) (SAT) (Closed)

    Pastor Steve's Theology 101 class, Theology made simple, will be on Wednesdays and meets during Awana and is from 6:30-8:00pm every Wednesday. *** This class helps in learning the framework for understanding the Bible and how it applies to us.***
    The only cost for this class is a $10 donation to help with costs for materials. Dinner available, beforehand, for $3pp.
    Theology 101 on Saturdays started September 14th and is from 9:30-10:45am.

Your Church

  • Feb
    Get to Know Your Church

    We are so happy that our church body is growing and just wanted to remind everyone, new and old, about Harvest's website and app. On our website and app you can access:

    * the E-Bulletin
    * the church calendar
    * past sermons and listening online
    * giving online
    * how to get involved
    * and more

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    For any prayer requests you can email info@harvestbrighton.org and it will be directed to our Prayer Team

    Harvest Fellowship website is www.harvestfellowship.church

  • Feb
    E-Bulletin Mailing List

    If you've accessed this page on your own, but would like a weekly email link sent to your inbox when this page has been updated, send an email to harvestfellowship1993@gmail.com and request to have your email address added to the Harvest E-Bulletin mailing list. If you are signed up and not getting the e-bulletin on Thursdays when it is sent out, please check your spam/junk file.
