Harvest's Week at-a-glance

  • Sep
    "Jesus Freaks" Middle School Group (THUR)

    Jesus Freaks middle school girls and boys group, will be meeting Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 8pm in the church lobby for dinner, games and fellowship. Jesus Freaks starts again Thursday September 5th and will continue through May. Join in anytime.
    The middle schoolers will play games together then break off into their separate girls and boys groups for fellowship.
    You can contact Dani Duran at danirae25@aol.com for more information or questions.

  • Sep
    Theology 101 ( Wed) (SAT)

    Pastor Steve's Theology 101 class, Theology made simple, will be on Wednesdays, (NEW START DATE) starting September 11th. It meets during Awana and is from 6:45-8:00pm every Wednesday. *** This class helps in learning the framework for understanding the Bible and how it applies to us.***
    The only cost for this class is a $10 donation to help with costs for materials. Dinner available, beforehand, for $3pp.
    Theology 101 on Saturdays will start (NEW START DATE) September 14th and go from 9:30-10:45am.

  • Sep
    AWANA ( Wed)

    ***Our Awana program will start again September 4th and runs until March 12th*** We will start registration, now, online. On August 21st, from 4-8, we have our official registration night where you can pay and pick up your books, vests or shirts and have pizza and ice cream.

    We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:00pm with a family dinner starting at 5:30 for $3pp. All are welcome.
    Awana is a program where verse memorization and having fun are very important. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus. Awana is for ages 3 years old through 6th grade.
    REGISTRATION for Awana is at https://forms.gle/DR4S6Gvuyy98hzo49

    We also have NotAwana for our 6th through 8th graders. Same night, same time, with more to learn about Jesus and having a lot of fun doing it. There is no cost.

    Any questions contact Jami at jami.minne@harvestbrighton.org or Tyann at harvestfellowship1993@gmail.com or 303-514-4393.
    If you would like to volunteer and help in Awana, in any capacity, please let us know. We can use help in the classrooms with listening to the kids say their verse or in games with helping them have safe fun or in the kitchen with serving meals. No matter how big or small, we can use your help!

    We are strictly run by volunteers, donations and fundraising.

    2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV, says it all... So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

  • Aug
    Intercessory Prayer (MON)

    Colleen Griffith is leading an intercessory prayer group on Mondays, from 3pm - 5:30, across from Steve's office.
    All are invited who would like to get deeper in prayer. Come pray for your church, world leaders, and fellow church family and friends. It is Confidential.

    ***You can also fill out a prayer card, found in the church lobby, and drop it in the offering box, and the prayer team will pray for them.***
    Please reach out to Colleen, 720-227-1061, with any questions.

    Additionally, Linda Smith has an email prayer team. It is Confidential, and you can call her and the team can pray for you, your family, friends, etc. She can be reached at 303-910-4221.

  • Aug
    Men's Group Bible Study (SUN)

    Informal fellowship and Bible study, covering many topics or books of the Bible. Bob Wilkins is leading this group. Sunday mornings from 8:15-9:15.
