What's New

  • Oct
    Ladies Retreat Save the Date

    The Ladies Retreat will be in October this year. Please save the date for Friday, October 11 through Sunday, October 13th.
    It's a time for fun, fellowship and bonding. It is led by Debbie Blackwell.
    Registration Link is https://forms.gle/xtvNgB12uNHQA67x7
    Please fill out the form and pay Jami or Tyann in the office, Cash, Credit Card, Venmo (put Ladies Retreat in subject) @harvest-fellowship
    Please invite a friend to come with you. All women 18 years and older are welcome.

  • Sep
    What's coming up this Fall (NEW GROUPS)

    As September approaches there will be many activities beginning. Here are a few of those activities to mark on your calendar. You can find more detailed information on each activity under Harvest's Week at a Glance.

    *Eric and Amy Schneider are warmly inviting you to join our small group dedicated this year to celebrating and strengthening our marriages. We’ll come together to share experiences, offer support, and explore ways to nurture and grow our relationships in a biblical way. We will meet weekly every Monday at Eric and Amy's house starting September 9th. The entire family is invited so please bring your children. Dinner will be provided each week as well. We hope you can make it and look forward to evenings of breaking bread, meaningful connection, and spiritual growth with each of you.

    *Awana starts Wednesday, September 4th. ***Awana is a program where verse memorization and having fun are very important. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus. Awana meets every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:00pm with a family dinner starting at 5:30 for $3 pp. All are welcome. registration is done here at: https://forms.gle/DR4S6Gvuyy98hzo49 *** More details in Harvest's week at a glance.

    *NotAwana will meet Wednesday nights starting Sept 4th from 6:30 - 8:00. That is for 6th - 8th graders. It is a youth group of middle schoolers learning more about Jesus while having fun! Led my Brooke Minne. Join in anytime.

    NEW DATES *****Pastor Steve's Theology 101 class will be starting on Wednesday, September, 11th. It meets during Awana and is from 6:30-8:00pm every Wednesday. *** This class helps in learning the framework for understanding the Bible and how it applies to us. He will be offering the same class on Saturday mornings from 9:30am - 10:45am for those who cannot do Wednesdays. It will start Saturday, September 14th.

    *Coffee Moms will be starting Wednesday, September 11th at 9am. Bring a friend and open to all. Come fellowship with other moms while enjoying some coffee, led my Debbie Blackwell. Complimentary child care provided. Join in anytime.

    *Jesus Freaks is for middle school girls and boys and they will be meeting Thursday evenings from 6 - 8 pm in the church lobby for dinner, games and fellowship. It begins Thursday, September 5th and continues through May. The middle schoolers will eat and play games together then break off into their separate girls and boys groups for fellowship. You can contact Dani Duran at danirae25@aol.com for more information or questions. Join in anytime.

    * Upper Room will be starting Friday, September 6th at Bobby's house. This group is for Young Adults from 18-30 years old. Join in anytime.

    *Beginning New Testament Greek will be starting up on Saturday, September 14th from 1000 - 1130am. More info in Harvest's week at a glance. It is led by Bob Wilkins, at the church, in Classroom 2.

    * Advanced Theology with Steve will be starting in Saturday, September 7th from 8am-9:15am in his office.

    * 2nd Class for Theology 101. This class helps in learning the framework for understanding the Bible and how it applies to us. It will be starting on Saturday, September 7th from 9:30am - 10:45am for those who cannot do Wednesdays class.

    * Not A Fan Club (NAFC) will be starting Sunday, September 8th at 6pm at Bobby's house. More details on Harvest's Week at a Glance. This group is for high schoolers. Join in anytime.

    * Forge Men's Group, led by Will Deere, will be starting Tuesday, September 17th from 7-8pm.

    *****Rooted 101 is led by Eric Schneider & Mark Smith and will be starting Sunday October 6 and run 5 weeks until November 3rd. More info in A Week in a Glance.

    * Watch for information coming out about Operation Christmas Child.
    *Watch for information coming out about the Harvest Craft Fair.

  • Sep
    Awana Help

    We are looking for teachers and helpers for Awana this year. Awana is every Wed. from 6:30-8:00pm. Please contact Jami Minne with any questions. It is truly a gift to serve these kids. jami.minne@harvestbrighton.org

  • Aug
    Chatting With Pastor Steve (Paused)

    Do you have questions about the Bible or Christian Walk? Let's talk!
    Chatting With Pastor Steve Wednesdays 4-7pm, in Steve's office. It's as easy as just showing up.

    Steve will be starting Theology 101 September 11th, on Wednesday nights, so Chatting with Steve will end August 28th.
    He is available though, if you need to talk to him after that.

Prayer Requests

  • Aug

    As many of you know we have a great prayer team here at Harvest. The cards we set out or the prayers that are called in are all kept confidential but prayed for by our prayer team. If you are in need of prayer and would like the congregation to know and join in prayer, please let us know, otherwise, everything is kept confidential. Please provide us what information we can share and if you or your caregivers need anything such as meals, someone to talk to, help at home, etc. You can reach out to the prayer team and let them know what to pray for, what they can share, and needs you have. We are here to support our members anyway we can.

    Please reach out to Colleen, 720-227-1061, with any prayers or needs.

    Additionally, Linda Smith has an email prayer team. It is Confidential, and you can call her and the team can pray for you, your family, friends, etc. She can be reached at 303-910-4221.
