Ministry Opportunities

  • Aug
    Kids Quest Help

    We are still looking for help!
    If you are looking to find a way to get involved in the church we are looking for "teachers" (no credentials needed, just your love for Christ and the kids) in our Sunday School program called KidsQuest.
    It is an every other week commitment as you will share with another teacher. Curriculum is provided, all you need to do is show up to teach every other Sunday. We are in need of help in K-5th grade.
    You will get great support from our KidsQuest Directors Sarah Faulkner and Brett Minne.
    There is a signup sheet in the lobby or you can reach out to Sarah at or

Harvest Happenings

  • Aug
    King Soopers Fundraising

    Here is a great way to support Harvest's Ministries, at no cost to you! We now have 20 families and made $191 from Jan - Mar of this year!
    Just link your King Soopers card to our organization, Harvest Fellowship with our NPO # AK164.
    More information is on a flyer in the church lobby with the paper copy of the e-bulletin.
    Thank you for supporting our Ministries!

Harvest's Week at-a-glance

  • Oct
    Rooted 101 (SUN)

    Will start Sunday, October 6th and end November 3rd.
    This class, led by Eric Schneider and Mark Smith, will meet in classroom 2 during second service (11:00 am – 12:00 pm) and will run for 5 consecutive weeks. The class is for any Christian (particularly new) who would like to understand the very basics of what it means to be a Christian and answer some of the most basic questions of Christianity like losing salvation, eternity and God’s desire for us.
    For more information and to sign up for the class please visit the Rooted 101 table in the church lobby.

  • Sep
    Forge Men's Group (TUE)

    This group will meet again starting Tuesday, September 17th.

    A men's group led by Will Deere. All are welcome. It meets in the Octagon from 7-8pm every Tuesday. Join in anytime.
    Contact Will for any questions at

  • Sep
    Beginning New Testament Greek (SAT)

    ***Beginning New Testament Greek will start again on Saturday, September 14th. You can earn Grace School of Ministry Credit. More information will be coming out so stay tuned.

    The class runs from September through May – basically a regular school year. Class meets for 1½ hours on Saturday mornings at Harvest in Classroom 2. Time is yet to be determined, but tentatively from 9:00 – 10:30am.
    Several hours of personal study and homework during the week are necessary if you want to succeed in the course. There is no cost for the class itself, but the required textbook and workbook cost around $50 total. They can be found at or Amazon.

    ***If you are interested or if you plan on taking the class, please contact Bob Wilkins at or 720-985-7823.
    The textbook is The Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar, written by Dr. William D. Mounce, 4th edition, ISBN: 9780310537434.
    The associated workbook is The Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook, written by Dr. William D. Mounce, 4th edition, ISBN: 9780310537472.
